Sunday, April 3, 2016

EN - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Fixing A Dent On The Fuel Tank.

With this post I would like to explain how to fix a dent on the upside position of the fuel tank. First of all, I started to search the Internet for possible solutions, and I have found some, for example I saw that we can heat up the place and then we can use a spray with compressed air on that specific spot, having the effect of freezing the place and having the metal contracting and coming to the original position. I saw also some special levers, bent on different angles, with a PVC ball at one end, for pushing the metal from inside out, using the tank filling opening. I saw also a method to weld small metal pins on the tank and then pulling using special hammers, but this one is the most destructive, meaning a new paint job and having the motorcycle in a specialised repair shop for few days.
The last method I saw, is the one I used and I am going to present here, it is a special repair kit based on silicone and a "suction cup" for pulling the metal.
This kit looks like this:

The place of dent needs to be clean using a piece of cloth and the solution that comes with this kit, probably a light solvent.
The fuel tank looks like this after cleaning:

We need to heat up the gun and to apply the melted silicone in the centre of the dent area, on that spot we will also place the "suction cup", I am using the quotation marks because it is not an actual suction cup, but a plate of hard PVC with a screw attached to it, and this will stick to the silicone while cooling down.
After applying the melted silicone we will gently press the "suction cup" for 15 seconds, according to the usage guide. Reading the usage guide is important in order to be effective.
After 15 seconds, the "suction cup" will stick to silicone, and silicone will stick to the paint on the fuel tank:

After waiting for 5 minutes, you can check after 2-3 minutes if the silicone is cooled and hard enough
with your fingers, we will have a strong adherence between the paint, silicone and "suction cup".
We can now install the lever we will use to apply the pulling force:

We can start screwing the nut on the "suction cup" by watching carefully how the metal sheet is coming to the original position, in this way we can apply the exact force needed in order to get the desired result, and not to get side effects like pulling to much.
At some moment the metal sheet will come to position and we can hear a small pop, knowing that we are almost done.
The "suction cup" can be removed by using the cleaning liquid and the tank is coming to its original shape:

Now we can remove the silicone by using the cleaning liquid and our fingers to pull the silicone from the edge. In case it is needed and we have around a hair dryer, we can use it to heat up the silicone, we can remove it faster this way. I did not used it, not needed.
In the end, after cleaning the tank, it looks like this:

In the end few thing to take into account:

  • Read carefully the usage instructions, for safety details and to use the parts effectively;
  • It is important to have a power plug to use with the silicone gun and hair dryer;
  • Several repeats may be necessary, in my case 4, I used also the small "suction cup" for better results;
  • It is good to try to repair it as soon as possible, in order to benefit of the metal "memory", for better results;
  • In case of hard dents or areas with paint cracks or chips, this kit might not be effective enough and side effects like paint removal might appear.
Good luck!
Or better, no need for such repairs ;-)!

RO - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Indreptare Infundatura Rezervor.

In aceasta postare as vrea sa explic cum am reusit sa indrept o infundatura in partea superioara a rezervorului. Mai intai am incercat sa caut pe Internet informatii despre situatii similare, am gasit cate ceva, de exemplu am vazut ca se poate incerca o incalzire a tablei in locul indoit si apoi cu un spray cu aer comprimat se sufla portiunea respectiva si se produce un fenomen de racire rapida a locului incalzit in prealabil, apare o contractare a materialului si in acest fel tabla poate reveni la forma initiala. Am mai vazut leviere speciale, indoite sub unghiuri diferite si prevazute cu bile din material plastic la capat, cu care se impinge tabla din interior, levierele sunt introduse prin gura de alimentare cu carburant. Am vazut metode de indreptare prin sudarea unor pini metalici pe tabla si apoi tragerea lor cu ciocane speciale. Aceasta din urma fiind cea mai distructiva, vopseaua trebuie indepartata, dupa indreptare tabla trebuia chituita si slefuita iar la final o vopsire completa, cu o imobilizare a motocicletei de cateva zile.
Ultima metoda pe care am vazut-o, este cea pe care am si folosit-o si pe care vreau sa o descriu aici, este vorba despre un kit de reparatii indoituri care are la baza siliconul si o "ventuza" cu ajutorul careia este trasa tabla.
Kit-ul arata cam asa:

Se curata bine locul care prezinta indoitura, cu o carpa si cu o solutie care face parte din acest kit, probabil un solvent usor. Cam asa arata rezervorul motocicletei dupa curatare:

Se incalzeste pistolul cu bara de silicon si apoi se aplica silicon topit in centrul infundaturii, acolo unde se va aplica apoi "ventuza", folosesc ghilimele pentru ca nu este o ventuza clasica, este o placa de ebonita care are atasata un surub si care adera la silicon pe masura ce acesta se raceste.
Dupa aplicarea siliconului topit se aplica "ventuza" prin presare usoara si mentinerea presiunii pentru 15s, conform instructiunilor de folosire a kit-ului. Citirea acestor instructiuni este foarte importanta.
Dupa cele 15s ventuza adera la silicon, iar siliconul adera la tabla (sau la vopsea mai bine zis):

Am asteptat apoi 5 minute, se poate proba cu degetul dupa 2-3 minute pentru a verifica daca s-a racit si intarit, este important sa se realizeze o priza suficient de puternica pentru a putea trage tabla indoita.
Se monteaza apoi parghia cu ajutorul careia se va aplica forta mecanica de tractare a tablei:

Se insurubeaza usor si constant fluturasul cu filet pe surubul "ventuzei" urmarind cu atentie cum tabla este trasa spre pozitia fireasca, se poate observa fenomenul de revenire, si in acest fel se poate doza infiletarea fluturasului, pentru a nu forta tabla si pentru a nu ajunge in situatia de a deforma rezervorul in sens invers.
La un moment dat, probabil dupa ce tabla trece de un punct critic al indoiturii, isi revine singura la forma initiala, iar filetul se slabeste de la sine, se si aude un pocnet usor.
Se dezlipeste "ventuza" folosind din nou solutia de curatare si rezervorul isi recapata forma initiala:

Acum, dupa ce tabla isi revine, se poate indeparta siliconul cu ajutorul solutiei de curatare si tragand cu degetele dinspre margine. Se poate folosi, daca este la indemana, un uscator de par pentru a incalzi siliconul, se dezlipeste mai usor. Eu nu am folosit, nu a fost necesar.
La final, dupa curatarea completa a locului, rezervorul arata cam asa:

 Cateva consideratii la final:

  • Trebuie sa cititi instructiunile de folosire a kit-ului, pentru masuri de protectie si pentru a fi eficienti;
  • Este nevoie de o priza de curent electric pentru pistolul care incalzeste siliconul, si pentru uscatorul de par, dupa caz;
  • Sunt necesare mai multe repetari, in cazul meu 4, am folosit si "ventuza" mica spre final pentru rezultate cat mai bune;
  • Este bine sa nu treaca foarte mult timp de la indoitura pana la reparatie, cu cat mai repede cu atat mai bine, trebuie sa tinem cont de evolutia materialului in timp in ceea ce priveste elasticitatea;
  • In cazul indoiturilor cu muchie sau care prezinta vopsea sarita, s-ar putea ca indreptarea sa nu fie semnificativa iar vopseaua s-ar putea desprinde.
Sau mai bine sa nu aveti nevoie de reparatii ;-)!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

EN - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - New Set Of Saddlebags.

Few weeks ago I have installed a new set of saddlebags - Saddlemen Highwayman Tattoo Saddlebags - Large Dark/Red. Because of time passed the old set of bags became dirty inside and also they lost the original shape. More than that, they bring a new and fresh air to the motorcycle, making you look at it differently every time, every change makes it different.
You can see some pictures below:

I have used the throw-over type of installation, under the passenger seat, and they are fixed on the side saddlebags mounting frames I already had. I have used the mounting accessories existing in the package, everything you need is inside. I have made an addition while mounting the bags, I have installed an additional mounting point on the side supports, to avoid having the bags moving while riding. I think one mounting point at the bottom of the bags is not enough to keep them properly fixed. There was no need to relocate turning signals or anything else.

RO - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Montare Coburi/Genti Laterale Noi.

Acum cateva saptamani am instalat un set nou de Coburi/Genti laterale - Saddlemen Highwayman Tattoo Saddlebags - Large Dark/Red. Nevoia unor genti noi a aparut ca urmare a faptului ca in timp cele vechi au acumulat murdarie in interior si s-au deformat foarte mult. In plus, aduc un aer proaspat motocicletei, fiecare astfel de schimbare te face sa o privesti cu alti ochi de fiecare data.
Mai jos cateva imagini:

Am folosit prinderea tip throw-over, pe sub saua pasagerului, si le-am prins de suporturile laterale pe care le aveam deja. Am folosit accesoriile aflate in pachet, pachetul este complet pentru a realiza montajul. Am adaugat o prindere pe suport pentru a evita miscarea gentilor in mers, un singur punct de prindere pe suport, la baza gentii, nu cred ca este suficient. Nu a fost nevoie de nici o modificare  (de exemplu relocarea semnalizatoarelor spate).

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

EN - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Windshield.

After several long trips, I realized that I need a windshield. All the time I was thinking, and I was expecting, that riding a motorcycle must be a pure and simple pleasure, an easy to get pleasure.
But after these long trips, I realized it is not like that at all, all the time I was arriving tired at the destination, with pain in my arms and with a very big head because of the noise.
Also, at some moment, I installed a Bluetooth communication device... but after 90km/h speed it was impossible to use it, I was not able to hear anything, anything at all, I was using an open-face helmet with visor.
In the same time, when I was riding with other riders, I noticed that the ones with windshield on the motorcycle were riding relaxed, in t-shirts when I was riding with my leather jacket on.
I took the decision to install a windshield for my motorcycle. So, I went to , to Razvan. He helped me to understand what windshield model will fit my motorcycle, made some measurements, he recommended a suitable mounting kit, ordered the complete package and install it at the end.
Beside the windshield, I installed also a pair of wind deflectors on the fork.
Below you can see the results:

The change is major, first of all I am not getting the wind in my chest anymore, I am not fighting with the bike anymore, I can ride relaxed and I can were a t-shirt. Also, I think there is a side effect on the fork, in terms that it is more stable and pushing on the road, the handling is better. I also test it on a lite rain and I was protected, I was feeling some water only on my feet, in the ankle zone.
I can use the Bluetooth now, and I have changed my helmet with an open-face one, without visor, just sunglasses.

RO - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Montare Parbriz.

Dupa cateva drumuri mai lungi, am simtit nevoia de a instala un parbriz. Tot timpul mi-am imaginat calatoria cu motocicleta ca pe o placere, o placere usor de obtinut.
Dupa drumuri mai lungi mi-am dat seama ca nu este chiar asa, ca de fiecare data ajungeam la destinatie obosit, cu dureri de maini si cu capul vajaind din cauza zgomotului de parcurs. In plus, la un moment dat, mi-am instalat in casca un sistem de comunicatie Bluetooth... la viteze de peste 90km/h nu mai auzeam nimic, absolut nimic, foloseam o casca tip open-face cu viziera.
In acelasi timp, cand mergeam insotit de alti colegi motociclisti, i-am observat pe cei cu parbriz ca mergeau foarte relaxati, in tricou, atunci cand eu purtam geaca de piele...
Am luat astfel decizia de a instala si eu unul. Am apelat la , la Razvan. M-a ajutat sa inteleg ce parbriz se potriveste pentru motocicleta mea, a facut masuratori, mi-a recomandat un kit de prindere potrivit, a comadat pachetul complet si, evident, la sfarsit l-a si montat.
Pe langa parbriz, am montat si un set de deflectoare pentru furca.
Mai jos se poate vedea rezultatul:

Schimbarea este radicala, mai intai nu mai primesc tot "vantul" in fata, nu ma mai "lupt" cu motocicleta la drum lung, este extrem de relaxant, pot sa merg in tricou, si cred ca a crescut usor apasarea pe furca, astfel ca am senzatia ca motocicleta sta mai bine pe sosea, ca o pot controla mai bine. Am prins si o ploaie usoara, parbrizul m-a protejat, m-am udat doar in zona picioarelor, la glezna.
In plus, acum pot folosi sistemul Bluetooth, am schimbat si casca, am trecut la una open-face fara viziera.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

EN - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Light Reflectors For Front Fork.

On my constant effort to bring the motorcycle at the initial presentation state, when was delivered out of the factory, and to use original accessories, one thing left was to find the light reflectors for the front fork. I was able to find an original pair of light reflectors using eBay, as usual I can find original accessories in United States, usually from dismantled motorcycles.
Below you can see the light reflectors and how they look now on my motorcycle: