Wednesday, July 30, 2014

EN - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Windshield.

After several long trips, I realized that I need a windshield. All the time I was thinking, and I was expecting, that riding a motorcycle must be a pure and simple pleasure, an easy to get pleasure.
But after these long trips, I realized it is not like that at all, all the time I was arriving tired at the destination, with pain in my arms and with a very big head because of the noise.
Also, at some moment, I installed a Bluetooth communication device... but after 90km/h speed it was impossible to use it, I was not able to hear anything, anything at all, I was using an open-face helmet with visor.
In the same time, when I was riding with other riders, I noticed that the ones with windshield on the motorcycle were riding relaxed, in t-shirts when I was riding with my leather jacket on.
I took the decision to install a windshield for my motorcycle. So, I went to , to Razvan. He helped me to understand what windshield model will fit my motorcycle, made some measurements, he recommended a suitable mounting kit, ordered the complete package and install it at the end.
Beside the windshield, I installed also a pair of wind deflectors on the fork.
Below you can see the results:

The change is major, first of all I am not getting the wind in my chest anymore, I am not fighting with the bike anymore, I can ride relaxed and I can were a t-shirt. Also, I think there is a side effect on the fork, in terms that it is more stable and pushing on the road, the handling is better. I also test it on a lite rain and I was protected, I was feeling some water only on my feet, in the ankle zone.
I can use the Bluetooth now, and I have changed my helmet with an open-face one, without visor, just sunglasses.

RO - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Montare Parbriz.

Dupa cateva drumuri mai lungi, am simtit nevoia de a instala un parbriz. Tot timpul mi-am imaginat calatoria cu motocicleta ca pe o placere, o placere usor de obtinut.
Dupa drumuri mai lungi mi-am dat seama ca nu este chiar asa, ca de fiecare data ajungeam la destinatie obosit, cu dureri de maini si cu capul vajaind din cauza zgomotului de parcurs. In plus, la un moment dat, mi-am instalat in casca un sistem de comunicatie Bluetooth... la viteze de peste 90km/h nu mai auzeam nimic, absolut nimic, foloseam o casca tip open-face cu viziera.
In acelasi timp, cand mergeam insotit de alti colegi motociclisti, i-am observat pe cei cu parbriz ca mergeau foarte relaxati, in tricou, atunci cand eu purtam geaca de piele...
Am luat astfel decizia de a instala si eu unul. Am apelat la , la Razvan. M-a ajutat sa inteleg ce parbriz se potriveste pentru motocicleta mea, a facut masuratori, mi-a recomandat un kit de prindere potrivit, a comadat pachetul complet si, evident, la sfarsit l-a si montat.
Pe langa parbriz, am montat si un set de deflectoare pentru furca.
Mai jos se poate vedea rezultatul:

Schimbarea este radicala, mai intai nu mai primesc tot "vantul" in fata, nu ma mai "lupt" cu motocicleta la drum lung, este extrem de relaxant, pot sa merg in tricou, si cred ca a crescut usor apasarea pe furca, astfel ca am senzatia ca motocicleta sta mai bine pe sosea, ca o pot controla mai bine. Am prins si o ploaie usoara, parbrizul m-a protejat, m-am udat doar in zona picioarelor, la glezna.
In plus, acum pot folosi sistemul Bluetooth, am schimbat si casca, am trecut la una open-face fara viziera.