Saturday, October 19, 2013

EN - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Luggage Rack (2/2).

In my last post, few days ago, I've presented the Luggage Rack as I received it, but now I can show it to you as it is installed on the motorcycle.
It is very easy to install it, all you have to do is to use to three screws, two on the side frame of the rear fender, and one screw which is holding the passenger saddle on the fender.
Below you can see some pictures:

I am very excited about the result, it looks so good on the motorcycle.

RO - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Portbagaj Spate (2/2).

In articolul anterior am prezentat portbagajul spate, iar acum pot sa-l prezint si montat pe motocicleta. Montajul este foarte simplu, se desfac trei suruburi, 2 laterale aflate pe rama montata pe aripa spate, iar al treilea este surubul care prinde saua pe aripa.
Mai jos cateva imagini:

Sunt foarte incantat de rezultat, se potriveste foarte bine pe motocicleta.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

RO - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Portbagaj Spate (1/2).

Ieri am primit din Statele Unite, am folosit eBay, un portbagaj montabil pe aripa spate.
Mai jos sunt cateva imagini:

In urmatorul week-end, cand am sa gasesc cateva ore libere, am sa-l montez pe motocicleta. Am sa revin cu detalii legate de montaj si cu rezultatul final.

EN - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder - Luggage Rack (1/2).

Yesterday I have received from United States, purchased from eBay, a luggage rack for my motorcycle.
Below you can see few with it:

As soon as I will have few hours available, maybe next week-end, I will install it on the motorcycle. I will get back with installation details and final result.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

EN - My motorcycle - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder.

Few pictures with my motorcycle.
First you can see below how it was looking when I bought it:

I have started to look for original parts and accessories installed by the producer, in my case they were missing as being replaced by the former owner. So I have found and installed the following:
  • New mirrors, I have replaced the ones mounted at the end of the handlebar;
  • Front fork covers;
  • Front signal lights;
  • Rear signal lights and rear red light;
  • Support frames for rear bags.
I have also, additionally, mounted an engine crash bar.
Below you can see how the motorcycle looks today:

The former owner modified also the saddle, making it thinner. Now the saddle was also restored to the original thickness, being comfortable for me now.
I have also ordered, and it is on its way to me, an original rear baggage frame. As soon as I will get it and mount it on the bike I will post some pictures.

RO - Motocicleta mea - Suzuki VZ800 Marauder.

Cateva imagini cu motocicleta mea.
Mai intai asa cum arata ea cand am cumparat-o:

Am inceput prin a identifica accesoriile originale instalate de producator, si care lipseau in cazul meu. Astfel, am cautat si instalat:
  • Oglinzi noi, le-am scos pe cele instalate in capatul ghidonului;
  • Capacele montate pe suportul aripii fata si care protejeaza furca;
  • Semnalizatoarele fata;
  • Semnalizatoarele si lampa spate;
  • Ramele suport pentru genti.
Am montat in plus un "engine crash bar".
Mai jos cateva imagini cu motocicleta asa cum arata ea azi:

Fostul proprietar a modificat si saua, in sensul in care a micsorat din grosime. Saua este acum refacuta si este foarte comoda.
Pe drum se afla si un portbagaj, dupa ce ajunge si-l montez vor urma si alte imagini.